Okay, so a long time ago in England, there was a king named Charles I. He had a problem because he needed money to pay for his military ships, but the people in the country didn't want to give him any more money because they were already paying a lot in taxes.
So King Charles I came up with an idea called the Ship Money Act in 1640. This act said that everyone in England had to pay money to help pay for the military ships, even if they didn't live near the sea or own any boats.
This made a lot of people unhappy because they felt like they were being forced to give money to the king without their consent. Some people even refused to pay the ship money and got in trouble with the law.
The Ship Money Act was eventually repealed, or cancelled, because it was seen as unfair and unconstitutional. But it was an important moment in English history because it showed how people can stand up to the government and protect their rights.