ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ship graveyard

A ship graveyard is a place where old, worn-out ships go to rest because they are no longer useful. It's like a big parking lot for boats that can't go out to sea anymore. Just like how cars get old and need to be taken off the road, ships also get old and need to be retired.

These ship graveyards are sometimes called ship-breaking yards, because workers take apart the old ships piece by piece. The workers use big machines and tools to break down the ships and separate the metal and other materials, which can be melted down and reused for different things.

Ship graveyards are important because they help us recycle and repurpose old ships instead of just throwing them away. It's like giving the old ships a new life, even though they can't sail the seas anymore. Some people even like to visit ship graveyards to see the old ships and learn about their history.