ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ship's boat

Have you ever been on a big ship and noticed a smaller boat that hangs out near the ship? That's called a ship's boat!

A ship's boat is a small, sturdy boat that is used for a variety of purposes on a big ship, like a cruise liner or cargo ship. They are often used to transport people or supplies to and from the shore. Since big ships can't usually get close to the shore, the ship's boat goes back and forth, carrying people and things safely from the ship to the land.

Ship's boats are usually made of strong materials like wood or metal, and they usually have oars or a motor to power them through the water. They can usually fit a few people on board, but they are much smaller than the big ship they belong to.

When you see a ship's boat hanging out near a big ship, know that it's an essential part of keeping everything and everyone safe and supplied!