ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Shoqata Mbarëkombëtare e të Përndjekurve Politikë Shqiptare

OK, so there is a group of people who live in Albania called the "Shoqata Mbarëkombëtare e të Përndjekurve Politikë Shqiptare" which means "International Association of Albanian Political Refugees". These people had to leave Albania because they were being treated unfairly for their political beliefs.

The "Shoqata" is like a club where these political refugees can come together and help each other. They have meetings and events to support each other and to raise awareness about the situation in Albania.

They are "mbarëkombëtare" which means international because they are not just in Albania, but all over the world. They want to make sure that people know about the problems in Albania and that the refugees are not forgotten.

The "të përndjekurve politikë" means that these people were persecuted for their political beliefs. This means that they were treated unfairly by the government or other people because they had different ideas about how the country should be run.

So, the Shoqata Mbarëkombëtare e të Përndjekurve Politikë Shqiptare is a group of Albanians who had to leave Albania because they were not treated fairly for what they believed in. They have come together to help each other and to raise awareness so that other people know about their situation.