ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Shortbread is a yummy and crumbly treat that is often eaten with tea or coffee. Shortbread is made up of three main ingredients: flour, butter, and sugar. These ingredients are mixed together to make a dough, which is then rolled out and cut into shapes (like circles or squares).

The dough is baked in the oven until it becomes a golden brown color. Once it's done baking, the shortbread is taken out of the oven and allowed to cool. Then, it's ready to eat!

Shortbread is a little bit different from other types of cookies, because it doesn't have any eggs in it. That's why it's so crumbly and buttery - the butter is what holds everything together, instead of the eggs.

Some people like to add different flavors to their shortbread, like vanilla or cinnamon. And some people like to decorate their shortbread with icing or sprinkles. But no matter how you make it, shortbread is a delicious treat that lots of people enjoy!
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