ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Shrimp marketing

Hey kiddo! Today we're going to talk about shrimp marketing.
So, have you ever gone to a store with your parents and seen different types of shrimp on sale? That's because companies that sell shrimp want people like your parents to buy their shrimp instead of someone else's.

To do this, they use something called marketing. Marketing is like when someone tries to convince you that something is cool or the best thing ever so you will like it and buy it.

One way that companies market their shrimp is by making it look really good in pictures or commercials. They might show pictures of big, juicy shrimp that look tasty so people will want to buy them.

Another way companies market their shrimp is by making packaging that looks nice and catches people's attention. They might use bright colors or put "fresh" or "wild caught" on the packaging so people will think it's better than other shrimp.

Companies also try to sell their shrimp by making it seem like a great value. They might put it on sale or offer a discount if you buy a certain amount.

So, in summary, shrimp marketing is when companies try to make their shrimp look good and convince people to buy it instead of someone else's shrimp. They do this by using pictures, packaging, and sales to make it seem like the best choice.