ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sicarii (1989)

Alright, kiddo! So, the sicarii were a group of people who lived a long, long time ago in a place called ancient Israel.

They were basically a group of Jewish rebels who were trying to fight against the Roman Empire, which was a big, powerful force that had taken over their land. The sicarii wanted their freedom back and they were willing to do anything to get it, even if it meant using violence.

In fact, the name "sicarii" actually means "dagger-wielders" because they would carry around these daggers and use them to assassinate Roman soldiers and important people who supported the Romans.

They were kind of like modern-day terrorists, but they had their reasons for doing what they did. They believed that it was their duty to protect their people and their land, and that they should never give up or back down against their enemies.

But eventually, the sicarii were defeated by the Romans and their rebellion failed. So while they may have had good intentions, their violent actions ultimately didn't achieve their goals.

And that's the story of the sicarii, my little friend!