ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Side (daughter of Ictinus)

Side was a person who lived a long, long time ago in ancient Greece. She was the daughter of another person named Ictinus.

In those times, people believed in many different gods and goddesses. Side was actually named after a goddess who was thought to protect people's bodies by helping them heal from sicknesses or injuries.

Even though Side lived many, many years ago, people still talk about her today because she helped build some very important buildings called temples. Temples were special places where people went to worship their gods and goddesses.

One of the most famous temples that Side helped build was called the Parthenon. The Parthenon was in a big city called Athens and it was breathtakingly beautiful. It had tall pillars (kind of like really big sticks that hold up a roof) and it was decorated with lots of beautiful statues and carvings.

Side was very good at her job and people remember her as being a very skilled and talented architect. Even though she lived a long time ago, she left a big impact on the world by helping create some of the most beautiful buildings in history.