ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Siege of Malta (1798–1800)

Alright kiddo, it's story time!

A long time ago, in the late 1700s, there was a tiny island in the middle of the Mediterranean sea called Malta. It was a very important place because it had a natural harbor, which meant it was a perfect spot for ships to come and go.

At that time, there were two big countries in Europe- France and Britain, and they were always fighting with each other. So when France decided to conquer Malta, Britain got really worried. The French sent a big army and navy to take over the island, but the people of Malta didn't like that one bit.

You see, there was a special group of people on Malta called the Knights of St. John, who were like knights in shining armor but they also helped sick people. These knights were very brave and they decided to fight the French with all their might. They joined forces with the Maltese people and the British came to help as well.

The knights and the British knew that they were outnumbered and outgunned, so they had to be really sneaky. They stayed hidden inside their forts and buildings while the French kept attacking them. They used cannons to shoot at the French ships and they dug deep tunnels underneath the fortresses to surprise the French soldiers.

This went on for two years, kiddo! The knights and the British defended Malta like their lives depended on it, and eventually, the French were exhausted. They realized they couldn't win and they gave up. The Maltese people were so happy and relieved that they threw a big party to celebrate.

So that's the story of the Siege of Malta, where a small group of brave knights and their allies defended their island against a big, powerful army. And in the end, they won!