ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Siege of Masada

Okay, so a very long time ago, there was a special place called Masada. A group of people called Jews took over this place and made it their home. But then some other people called Romans didn't want the Jews to be in Masada anymore, so they decided to attack and take it back.

The Romans needed to get to the top of Masada to attack, but it was really hard because there were big walls and stones in the way. So they built these things called ramps to get over the walls.

The Jews living in Masada knew that the Romans were coming, so they decided to prepare and make their home even stronger. They made their walls stronger and got ready to fight.

The Romans attacked Masada for a long time, but they couldn't get in. They even built a big tower to try and get inside, but the Jews used big rocks and fire to stop them.

At one point, the Jews realized they might not be able to beat the Romans forever. So they made a hard decision to take their own lives instead of giving up and being captured by the Romans.

The story of the Siege of Masada reminds us of how strong and brave people can be, even when times are tough.