ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sigsbee Escarpment

So, imagine you're swimming in a big, big ocean. You see everything around you is blue and endless. Suddenly, you notice something different. The bottom of the ocean is not flat, but it has steep slopes like a big mountain. That is what the Sigsbee Escarpment is! It’s a really big underwater mountain range that runs through the Gulf of Mexico.

The Sigsbee Escarpment is actually a part of a bigger underwater mountain range called the Edge of the Continental Shelf. This range stretches all the way from South America to the United States. And the Sigsbee Escarpment is the steepest part of it. It goes down more than 9,000 feet (over 2,700 meters) deep. That’s like 1,500 grown-up people standing on top of each other! It’s really, really, deep.

Scientists think the Sigsbee Escarpment was formed millions of years ago when tectonic plates under the Earth's crust crashed into each other. This collision forced the land to move up and form mountains. Then, over time, the mountains slowly sank into the ocean, creating the underwater mountain range we see today.

The Sigsbee Escarpment is important because it creates a natural boundary between the shallow waters of the Continental Shelf and the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico. This boundary creates a difference in temperature and saltiness, which affects the marine life that lives in the area. Animals like fish and whales use the Sigsbee Escarpment as a navigation tool in the ocean.

So, next time you're near the Gulf of Mexico, remember there's a big underwater mountain range there, and its name is Sigsbee Escarpment.