Imagine you have some threads made from a special material called silk. Silk is really smooth and soft, and it shines in the light. Now imagine you lay all those threads side by side on a surface, like a table or a piece of cloth. You then put something sticky, like glue, on top of the threads. The sticky stuff seeps down between the threads and makes them stick together, kind of like how spaghetti sticks together when it's cooked.
This creates a smooth surface with a texture that feels really nice and looks pretty. But it's not just for looking good - this kind of surface is actually really useful on things like roads and runways. The stickiness between the threads helps to make the surface strong and durable, so cars and planes can drive and land on it without damaging it.
So, in summary, silk surfacing is a way of laying silk threads close together and then sticking them together with a special glue-like substance to create a strong, smooth surface.