ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Simians (Chinese poetry)

Simians is a type of Chinese poetry that is also known as parallel couplets or antithetical couplets. The idea behind this style of poetry is to have two lines that rhyme and have a similar structure, but they have opposite meanings.

Imagine you have two friends, Jack and Jill. Jack might say, "I love sunny days," and Jill would respond with, "I prefer rainy ones." This is similar to how simians works in poetry. The two lines have a connection, but they are saying opposite things.

Another example of a simian poem might be:

In the light, the grass is green,
In the darkness, the shadows glean.

Both lines end in the same sound, indicating that they are a pair, but they have very different meanings.

Simians are often used in Chinese literature and can be found in many different forms, from traditional poems to modern versions. They are a fun way to play with words and create interesting contrasts, making them a unique form of poetry.