ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Simplified Message Desk Interface

A simplified message desk interface is like a special kind of phone where you can talk to someone far away or send them a message without having to actually talk on the phone. It's kind of like texting or sending an email, but it's for people who work in a big office or company and need to talk to each other quickly and easily.

This special phone has buttons on it that you can push to pick who you want to talk to, just like pushing buttons on a regular phone to call someone. But instead of just hearing their voice, you can also send them a quick message to ask them a question or tell them something important.

The interface is made to be very easy to use so even if you're not very good with technology, you can still use it. The buttons are labeled clearly and there is usually a screen that shows you who you are talking to and what messages you have received.

Many companies use a simplified message desk interface because it is faster and more efficient than trying to call someone, wait for them to answer, and explain what you need to say. With this special phone, you can quickly send a message and then keep working on other important things while you wait for a response.