ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sin in Islam

In Islam, sin is when you do something that Allah (God) doesn't like. Allah wants us to be good and do the right things all the time. When we do something that goes against what Allah wants, it's considered a sin.

Now, let me explain with an example. Imagine you have a favorite toy car, and you tell your parents that you're always going to take good care of it. But one day, you get upset and start throwing the toy car around, even though you know it can get broken that way. That would be like a sin because you did something that you shouldn't have done, even though you knew it was wrong.

In Islam, there are different types and levels of sins. The big ones, called major sins, are like doing really bad things that can hurt people or yourself. These can include things like lying, stealing, hurting others, or not being kind.

There are also smaller sins, called minor sins. These are the things that are not as bad but still not good. For example, not listening to your parents, not sharing with others, or being mean to someone.

It's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and commits sins sometimes. But in Islam, Allah is very kind and forgiving. He wants us to ask for forgiveness and try to do better next time. If we feel bad about the sins we have committed, we can ask Allah for forgiveness, and He will forgive us if we are truly sorry and try not to do it again.

So, in summary, sin in Islam is when you do something that goes against what Allah wants. It's important to try your best to be good and avoid sins, but if you make a mistake, you can always ask Allah for forgiveness and try to do better next time.