ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Single European Sky

The Single European Sky is like a big playground where all the airplanes can play together without bumping into each other.

Before the Single European Sky was created, each country had their own rules and made their own plans for how airplanes could fly through the sky. This made it really hard for airplanes to fly from one country to another because they had to follow different rules and use different communication systems.

With the Single European Sky, everyone has to follow the same rules and use the same communication systems. It's like everyone agreed to play the same game. This makes it easier and safer for planes to fly across Europe because everyone is playing by the same rules.

Think of it like playing soccer with your friends. If everyone makes up their own rules or uses different balls, it can be confusing and someone might get hurt. But if everyone agrees to play with the same rules and use the same ball, then everyone can have fun and stay safe. That's what the Single European Sky does for airplanes in Europe.