ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Single-phase electric power

Okay kiddo, let's try to understand what is single-phase electric power in a very simple way!

Imagine you have a toy car which is running on a road, and you want to control how fast it moves, you will need some kind of power source, right? Similarly, homes, offices, shops or any electrical appliance you use, requires power source to work, and this power source is usually an electric power grid which supplies energy to power-up these electrical appliances.

Now, single-phase electric power is a type of electrical power which is commonly used in homes, offices, and small businesses to run electrical appliances like lights, fans, refrigerators, televisions, computers, and more.

So, let's understand it in a simpler way, the power that comes to your home or office from the electric grid is usually in the form of a single-phase electric power, which means it has only one alternating current (AC) waveform which is like a heartbeat of the electricity, it goes up and down alternatively to supply power to the electrical appliances in your home.

Think of it like a bicycle wheel, which rotates in a circle to move forward, similarly, the single-phase electric power moves in a circular motion to flow through circuits and wires and supply energy to your appliances.

So, to sum it up, single-phase electric power is the type of electricity that powers up your lights, fan, refrigerator, and other appliances that you use every day at your home, and it's like a heart for your electrical appliances that pumps electricity in and out to keep them running.