ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Singular integral operators of convolution type

Singular integral operators of convolution type are a type of math tool that helps us understand how things can change when we mix them together. Imagine you have two bowls of different kinds of soup. If you pour them together into one bigger bowl, the flavors of each soup will mix and change in a certain way. We want to understand this type of mixing, but instead of soup, we are dealing with numbers.

To do this, we use a special tool called a singular integral operator of convolution type. This tool lets us take two functions (which are like recipes that tell us how to create a number based on another number) and mix them together in a certain way.

The operator works like this: first, you take your two functions and multiply them together. Then, you add up all of the products you get when you shift one of the functions around.

It's a bit like taking two different kinds of bread and putting them together. To make the sandwich, you can cut each kind of bread into slices and stack them on top of each other. Then, you can take one slice of bread and slide it over the other until they are mixed together.

The singular integral operator of convolution type helps us understand how the mixing happens when we combine functions. It's like a tool that helps us build a recipe for a new function that is a combination of the two old functions.

So, imagine we have two functions: one tells us how to make a simple cake, and the other tells us how to make a chocolate cake. If we use the singular integral operator of convolution type, we can combine these two recipes to make a recipe for a new kind of cake that has some elements of both the simple cake and the chocolate cake.

In short, singular integral operators of convolution type are a type of math tool that lets us mix two functions together in a certain way to create a new function that combines elements of both. It's like mixing different kinds of soup, bread, or cake recipes to create a new and exciting combination.