ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sino-Russian relations since 1991

Ah, so you want to know about how China and Russia have been playing together since 1991. Let me explain it to you like you're only five years old.

Once upon a time, there were two big countries called China and Russia. Long, long ago, they were friends, but then they became enemies for a while. But when 1991 came around, something happened that made them want to be friends again.

See, in 1991, the Soviet Union, which was Russia's old government, fell apart. When that happened, Russia had to figure out how to be its own country again. This was a big change for Russia, and China wanted to be friends with them to see what they could do together.

At first, China and Russia didn't get along great. They had different ideas about how to be friends, and they didn't always agree on things. But then, in the early 2000s, things started to change. They started working together more, talking to each other more, and trading together more.

China and Russia started to like each other more as they got to know each other better. They started doing things like teaming up to work on building a big oil pipeline and joining forces on security at their borders.

Both China and Russia have their own challenges, and they think that by working together, they can help each other out. So, they've been talking to each other and trying to figure out how they can be better friends.

That's pretty much how it's been since 1991. China and Russia have had their ups and downs, but overall, they're working together better and trying to be good friends to each other. And who knows, maybe they'll write a new chapter in their friendship in the future.