ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sio Sam Ong

Ok kiddo, so Sio Sam Ong is a phrase in Chinese that means "Three Golden Men". In Chinese culture, these three men are believed to bring good luck and wealth to people who have them in their homes or businesses.

Now, these golden men are usually depicted as statues or figurines made out of gold-colored materials. They often have different items in their hands that also represent good fortune, like a gold ingot or a bag of money.

People believe that by having these golden men in their homes or businesses, they will attract wealth and prosperity into their lives. It's like having a lucky charm, but instead of a rabbit's foot or a four-leaf clover, it's a statue of three dudes with good vibes.

Some people even have specific rituals they do with the golden men to attract more luck. For example, they might light incense or offer food as a form of respect to the statues. It's kind of like saying "please bring me good things" to the golden men.

So, that's the story behind Sio Sam Ong - three golden men who are believed to bring good luck and wealth to those who invite them into their lives.