ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Situationist prank

Okay kiddo, you know how sometimes you might play a funny joke on someone that makes them laugh or surprise them? Well, sometimes adults do that too, but they call it a "prank."

And there are some adults who like to do pranks that are a little bit different than just telling a funny joke. They want to do pranks that make people think about the world in a different way, kind of like a little experiment.

They call these kinds of pranks "situationist pranks" because they are inspired by a group of artists and thinkers called the "Situationist International" who did these kinds of pranks in the 1950s and 60s.

So, a situationist prank might be something like pretending to create fake road signs that say funny or clever things, but actually, the signs have a deeper message about the world. Or, some people might try to create fake advertisements for ridiculous things, but they are actually trying to point out how we are too obsessed with buying things we don't need.

These pranks can be really fun and interesting because they make people stop and think about the world around them, and maybe even question some things that they believe.
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