ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sixpack (EU)

Okay kiddo, so you know how some people have these special muscles on their tummy that look like six little bumps? That's what we call a "sixpack"!

Now, in Europe, there's something called the "sixpack" too, but it's not about our tummy muscles. It's actually a nickname for a bunch of rules that European countries agreed to follow when it comes to their money and budgets.

Imagine you have a piggy bank, and you're saving up your pocket money. You have to be careful not to spend too much or you won't have any money left for the things you really want. Well, countries in Europe have to be careful with their money too so they don't run out of it.

The sixpack rules help these countries keep track of their spending and make sure they're not borrowing too much money. It's kinda like a grown-up version of a piggy bank!