ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Slave breeding in the United States

Well kiddo, a long time ago in America, some people thought it was okay to own other people as slaves. They would buy people and make them work for free on farms or in houses for their whole lives without paying them or giving them any choices.

Sometimes, these slave owners wanted more slaves but didn't want to spend money buying them. So, they came up with a really mean idea called slave breeding. This meant that they made slaves have babies so that they could have more free workers without having to buy them.

Slaves didn't get to choose who they had babies with, it was all decided by their owner. They were like animals that the owner could use to breed and make more slaves. This was really unfair and cruel, because the slaves didn't get to choose who they loved and wanted to have babies with.

The babies that were born from these slave breeding programs were also considered slaves and had to work for free like their parents. It was a terrible time in our history and something we should never do again.