ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sleep and learning

When we sleep, our brains do important things to help us learn things better. Imagine your brain is a big library with different sections for different things you learn, like how to ride a bike, how to do math problems, or how to remember your friends' names.

When we're awake, we're constantly adding new books to those different sections in our brain library. But our brain can get overwhelmed and tired out after a while, just like when we get tired after playing outside all day.

That's when we need to take a nap or go to bed for the night. When we sleep, our brain library gets cleaned up and organized. It's like a librarian comes in and puts all the books back where they belong.

But that's not all - while we sleep, our brains also make connections between different books in our library. So if you learned how to ride a bike during the day and then dream about it that night, your brain might be making connections between that bike riding chapter and another chapter in your brain library that has to do with balance or coordination.

That's why you might wake up feeling like you understand things better or have a new idea about how to do something you've been trying to learn. All those sleepytime organizing and connecting help us form memories and develop new skills. So next time your mom or dad tells you it's time for bed, you can tell them you need to tidy up your brain library!