ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Slewing bearing

A slewing bearing is like a big round plate with a hole in the middle. It helps two things move around each other easily without falling over.

Imagine you and your friend are trying to spin around each other while holding hands, but you keep falling down because your feet get stuck in the ground. That's where the slewing bearing comes in. It's like a magic plate that you stand on, and your friend stands on another one, and now you can easily spin around each other without falling down. The hole in the middle of the plate helps you stay balanced and the big round shape makes it easier to turn.

Slewing bearings can be really big and strong, like the ones that let cranes and excavators move around and lift heavy things. They can also be smaller and used in things like wind turbines, solar trackers, and even amusement park rides.

So, a slewing bearing is like a special plate that helps things turn around each other without falling down. It's super helpful for lots of big and important machines that need to be able to move and turn easily.