ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Slingshot (water vapor distillation system)

Okay kiddo, imagine you are thirsty and want to drink water but you don't have any clean water around you. What do you do? You can use a special tool called a "slingshot" that can turn dirty water into clean drinking water!

The slingshot is a machine that uses a process called water vapor distillation to purify dirty water. It works by heating the dirty water until it turns into steam (just like when you put a pot of water on the stove and it starts to boil!). The steam rises and leaves behind all of the dirt and germs in the original water.

The steam is then cooled and returned to its liquid form, which is clean, pure water that you can safely drink! This process is similar to what happens when it rains - the sun heats up the water on the ground and it evaporates, rises into the sky, and turns into clouds. When the clouds get heavy enough, they release the water as rain, which is clean and safe to drink.

The slingshot is a special kind of distillation machine that can be easily transported to places where clean water is hard to come by, like in places without access to clean drinking water or in areas affected by natural disasters. With just a slingshot, people can turn dirty water into clean, safe drinking water and stay healthy and hydrated.