ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Small and medium-sized enterprises

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are companies that are not super big or fancy like big corporations you see on TV. It's like when you see a big fancy house with lots of people living in it, and then you see a smaller house where just a few people live. The smaller house is like an SME, which means there are fewer people who work there and they don't make as much money as the big companies.

SMEs are really important because they make up a big part of the economy and provide lots of jobs. They are run by people who have an idea for something they want to sell or do, like making clothes or fixing cars. They might start by working from their home or a small shop, and over time they can grow and hire more people to help them.

SMEs might face some challenges like getting enough money to start or keep going, or they may have to compete with bigger companies that have more money and resources. But they also have some advantages like being able to work closely with their customers and being more flexible in how they do things.

So, even though SMEs might not be as big and fancy as some other companies, they are really important for our economy and for providing jobs to lots of people.