ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Imagine that you are at school and you really want to tell everyone about something that is very important to you, like why recycling is important. But since the teacher is talking, you can't just stand up and start talking. So, you wait until it's time for recess and then you go outside and find something to stand on, like a box or a bench. You climb onto it and start talking loud and clear to all your friends about why they should recycle. That box you are standing on is your soapbox.

In real life, people use soapboxes to speak in public about something important to them. A soapbox is a small platform or stand, often made of wood or cardboard, that people use to stand on and give speeches or make announcements. People who stand on soapboxes might be trying to raise awareness about an important issue, protest against something they disagree with, or even try to convince others to vote for a certain candidate.