ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Social class in Nigeria

Okay, imagine you are playing with a bunch of toys with your friends. Some toys are fancier and more expensive than others. Some of your friends might have more fancy toys than you do, while others might not have as fancy toys as you do. This is kind of like social class in Nigeria.

Social class is like different groups of people in Nigeria who have different levels of money, power, and prestige. It depends on things like how much money your family makes, what kind of job your family has, and even what language you speak or what your religion is.

There are different social classes in Nigeria, just like there are different kinds of toys. The people in the upper class have more money, power, and fancy things than the people in the lower class. They might live in big houses, drive fancy cars or have more opportunities to travel. Meanwhile, people in the lower class may not have as much money to buy fancy things, or have the same access to opportunities.

It's important to remember that these social classes are not the same for everyone. Just like some friends might have more fancy toys than others, some people in Nigeria might have a better life because of the class they belong to. But we should treat everyone with respect, no matter what.