ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Soft graviton theorem

Okay kiddo, so you know how we learned that things with mass attract other things with mass, like how the earth pulls us down towards it? That's because of something called gravity. Well, scientists have been studying gravity for a long time, and they found out that there are really tiny particles called gravitons that help make gravity happen.

Now, sometimes, things move really fast or are really small, and we can't see the gravitons moving around. But scientists figured out a way to study these tiny particles by using math and equations. And they came up with something called the soft graviton theorem.

Basically, the soft graviton theorem says that even when particles are moving really fast or are really tiny, they still have to follow some rules when it comes to gravity. Specifically, it says that when particles move and create energy and momentum, there will always be some really low-energy gravitons that are produced as well. And these gravitons will follow some specific patterns and equations that scientists can use to understand how gravity works in these situations.

It might not make a lot of sense right now, but just remember that the soft graviton theorem helps scientists understand how gravity works in really extreme situations, and it all has to do with these tiny particles called gravitons. Cool, huh?