Soft-brew coffee is coffee that is made in a special way to make it taste different from regular coffee.
First, you need a special pot called a brewer. It looks like a tall glass jar with a lid on top.
Next, you put coffee grounds inside the brewer. These are like the little pieces of coffee that you use to make regular coffee. But with soft-brew, you use more coffee than normal.
After that, you pour hot water over the coffee grounds and let it sit for a little while. This is called steeping. The water and coffee grounds mix together and make a yummy coffee smell.
Finally, you put a special filter on top of the brewer and pour the coffee out. The filter catches all the coffee grounds so they don't end up in your cup.
Soft-brew coffee tastes different from regular coffee because it is less bitter and has a smoother, more delicate flavor. People like to drink it because it doesn't taste as strong as other types of coffee.