ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, imagine you have some numbers that you want to add together. But instead of just adding them, you want to do something cool and math-y.

Softplus is like a math trick that you can do on those numbers to make them all positive, even if some of them are negative.

Here's how it works:

First, you take each number and multiply it by a special number called "beta." This is just a number that helps with the math trick.

Next, you add up all these multiplied numbers.

Finally, you use another math trick called "natural logarithm" to find the answer.

The answer you get from softplus is always a positive number.

So why is this math trick useful? Well, sometimes in science and math, we want to make sure our numbers are all positive so we can work with them more easily. Softplus helps us do that.

That's softplus in a nutshell, kiddo. Pretty cool, huh?