ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Software defined mobile network

Imagine you have a toy phone that has different buttons for different people you want to talk to. But what if one day, you want to talk to someone new who isn't on your phone? You can't just add a new button, you need a whole new phone!

The same problem happens with mobile networks. They have different parts that make it work, but if you want to add something new, it's really hard because you have to change all the parts. That's why we have something called a software defined mobile network.

This means that instead of having all the different parts of the network connected physically, they are connected through software, which is like a computer program. So if you want to add a new thing to the network, you just change the software instead of the physical parts. It's like adding a new button to your toy phone, but instead of buying a whole new phone, you just change the program.

It's really helpful because it makes it easier to add new things to the network, like new features or new companies that want to use the network. It also makes it easier to fix problems, because you can just change the software instead of taking apart the physical parts.