ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Software development model

A software development model is like a recipe for baking a cake. Just like how you need specific ingredients in a certain order and follow a specific process to make a cake, creating software also requires specific steps to get the job done right.

Think of it like building with LEGO blocks. When you build something really cool with LEGO blocks, you start by getting all the pieces you need. Like the LEGO blocks, different parts of software also need to be made one by one. These individual pieces of software are like the LEGO blocks.

The software development model gives a structure or guidance on how to put all of these individual pieces of software together in the correct order, just like following a set of LEGO instructions. And when you're done, you have a completed project, like a LEGO creation or a computer game or an app on your phone.

Different models have different approaches or steps to take, just like different recipes might call for different ingredients or different ways of mixing the ingredients. But the bottom line is, whether you are building with LEGO blocks or creating software, you need to follow specific steps to have a successful final product!