ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Have you ever seen a king or queen in a really fancy outfit? Well, in Japan they have an outfit like that too and it's called sokutai! It's a super special outfit that is only worn on very important occasions like when the Emperor is crowned or when someone gets married in the Imperial family.

The sokutai looks really cool and fancy! It's made up of a lot of different parts like a long robe called a korozen, a big hat called a kanmuri, and even special shoes called sokutai-gutsu. The colors of the sokutai are usually really bright and colorful with a lot of gold and red.

The sokutai is actually really important because it helps show how special and important the people who wear it are. Just like how a king or queen wears a special crown to show that they are the ruler and should be respected, the sokutai helps show that the person wearing it is super important too!

So, in summary, the sokutai is a really fancy outfit worn in Japan for very important occasions and it helps show how special and important the person wearing it is!