ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Solar Foods

Solar foods is like magic cooking that uses the sun to make yummy food! Just like how you can put a magnifying glass in the sun and make things get hot, solar foods uses special machines called solar panels to collect the sun's energy and turn it into food.

The solar panel machine has tiny creatures, called microbes, inside it that love to eat things. They eat things like carbon dioxide, just like we breathe out! When they eat it, they make a yummy meal that we can eat too, kind of like how we eat plants that make their own food from the sun.

So when the sun shines on the solar panel machine, the microbes inside it start to eat, and before you know it, we have a yummy meal to eat too! It's like magic cooking that doesn't use any electricity or gas.

This special type of cooking is really important because it helps us have food without harming the environment. We don't need to use gas stoves or electricity to cook, we can just use the power of the sun! It's like having a little piece of the sun cooking our meals for us.