ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Solomon's Seal (album)

Okay kiddo, so Solomon's Seal is the name of an album. It's like a really long playlist of songs that someone made.

The person who made this album is a really talented musician named Santana. He plays guitar and sings.

The songs on this album are all really special because they have a lot of different sounds mixed together. There are sounds from drums, piano, guitar, and even some sounds that you might not be able to recognize!

The name "Solomon's Seal" comes from a plant that grows in the ground. It has a really special shape that looks like a star, and some people believe it has magical powers.

Even though this album doesn't have any magic in it, it's still really special because Santana put a lot of love and creativity into making it. So when you listen to it, you might feel really happy and excited!