ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Some Character-Types Met with in Psycho-Analytic Work

Psycho-analytic work is like going to a doctor for your mind. The doctor is called a psychoanalyst and they try to understand your feelings and thoughts so they can help you feel better. Just like how you have different friends who act differently, people's minds work differently too. Here are some of the types of friends or characters that the psychoanalyst might meet while helping someone to understand their mind:

1. The Id: This is like the baby voice inside your head - it only thinks about what it wants right now and doesn't care about anything else. It's important to understand it, but you also need to learn how to control it and not let it take over.

2. The Ego: This is like the big brother who tries to make sure everyone is happy and things are going well. This part of your mind helps you make decisions that consider the consequences, and it tries to find a balance between what you want and what you need.

3. The Superego: This is like the parent voice inside your head - it tells you what is right and wrong, and makes you feel guilty when you do something wrong. It tries to keep you in line and make you act like a good person.

4. The Shadow: This is like the dark side of a person - the parts of them they try to hide from others and even from themselves. It's important to bring these parts to the surface so they can be understood and dealt with.

5. The Anima/Animus: This is like the opposite gender part of a person's mind. For example, if someone is a girl, the animus is the part of their mind that has a masculine side, and if someone is a boy, the anima is the feminine side. This part can help a person understand themselves better and be more balanced.

6. The Self: This is the part of a person that tries to put everything else together and make it work. It tries to create a sense of wholeness and meaning in a person's life. When a person understands their Self, they can feel more centered and fulfilled.