ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Song Zhiwen

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about Song Zhiwen! He was a very famous person from a long time ago who lived in a place called China. He was really good at writing poems and people loved him for it!

Back in his time, people used to write poems on paper with brushes and ink. They would use different colors of ink to make the words look pretty. Song Zhiwen was so good at writing poems that he became known as one of the best poets in all of China!

His poems were really cool because they talked about all kinds of things. Sometimes he would write about how beautiful the moon looked at night or the way flowers smelled in spring-time. He also wrote about important things like how to be a good person and why it's important to be kind to others.

People liked his poems so much that they would read them out loud to each other and some of them even became songs that people sang! Even today, people still read and enjoy Song Zhiwen's poems because they are so good. Maybe one day, you can read some too and see for yourself just how great he was!