ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sony BMG copy protection rootkit scandal

Okay kiddo, do you know what music CDs are? You know, the round discs that you put into your CD player and it plays music? Well, a long time ago, a company called Sony started making these CDs with a special kind of software on them. This software was meant to stop people from making copies of the music on the CDs and sharing it with their friends.

But something went wrong with this software. You see, the software was designed in a way that it was very hard to find and remove once it was on your computer. It was kind of like a secret password that only Sony knew about. And worse, this software was hidden in a way that it could be used by other people to trick your computer into doing bad things like viruses or steal your personal information.

A bunch of smart people found out about this and started blowing the whistle on Sony. They told everyone that Sony was doing something very sneaky and illegal, hiding this bad software on their music CDs. People got really mad at Sony for doing this because it was against the law and it put their computers at risk. Sony had to pay a lot of money and apologize for what they did.

In the end, Sony learned a lesson and stopped putting this bad software on their CDs. And we all learned that we should be careful with what we install on our computers, especially if we don't know where it came from.