ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sophie Calle

Sophie Calle is an artist who likes to tell stories. She uses things like photographs, videos, and words to share her stories. Her work is like a puzzle, and it's your job to put the pieces together and figure out what she's trying to say.

Sometimes Sophie Calle does things like follow strangers around, just to see where they go and what they do. She makes notes about the things they say and the places they visit. Then she turns it all into an art project. Other times she might do something like ask people to do favors for her, and she'll record their reactions. She's very curious about people and loves to study them.

Sophie Calle's work is interesting because it makes you think. You have to use your brain to figure out what's going on in her artwork. It's kind of like solving a mystery or figuring out a puzzle. But even if you don't fully understand her work, it can still be enjoyable to look at because she's really good at making art that looks cool.