ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sorcery (goetia)

Sorcery, or goetia, is a kind of magic where people try to communicate with and control supernatural beings called demons or spirits. Think of these spirits as imaginary friends that people believe can do special things, like granting wishes or telling secrets.

To do sorcery, people usually follow certain instructions called spells or rituals. These spells can involve saying special words, drawing symbols, or using special objects like crystals or candles. All these things are believed to create a connection between the person doing the sorcery and the spirits they want to communicate with.

Once the connection is made, people usually ask the spirits for something they want. It could be something simple, like finding a lost toy or making someone feel better, or it could be something bigger, like having a lot of money or power. People believe that if they follow the rules correctly and show respect to the spirits, the spirits might help them get what they want.

Now, it's important to remember that sorcery and the spirits people talk about are not real like the things you can see and touch. They are things some people believe in, like a fairy tale or a make-believe game. Some people find comfort or inspiration in these stories and use them to feel better or to connect with their imagination.

But it's also important to know that sorcery can't solve all problems or make everything happen. It's just a way for people to explore their imagination and find their own sense of power and control in a sometimes confusing world. So, even though sorcery might seem exciting and mysterious, it's always good to remember that it's just pretend and not something that actually happens in real life.