ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Source Separated Organics

Okay kiddo, let me explain source separated organics to you! You know how we have food scraps, yard waste, and maybe some other things like paper towels or tissues that we throw away? Well, instead of putting all of that in the regular trash bin, we can separate it out into a special bin just for organics.

Source separated organics means that we are separating out all of the organic materials from the rest of our trash. Organic materials are things that come from living things, like plants and animals. These can include things like fruit and vegetable peels, eggshells, grass clippings, and even cardboard pizza boxes that have grease on them.

By separating out these organics, we can do something really cool with them! We can turn them into something new and useful, like compost. Compost is a type of soil that is made from all of these organic materials breaking down over time. Compost is great for growing new plants and can even help reduce greenhouse gas emissions!

So, next time you finish a snack or help with the yard work, remember to separate out those organics and put them in the special bin. We're doing our part to help the Earth!