ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Source port

Imagine you are playing with building blocks. Each of these blocks represents a different game you can play on your computer. But just like how you can build different things using your blocks, you can also change these games a little bit to make them better for you to play. That's where a source port comes in.

A source port is like a special tool that helps you change how the game works. It's like a magic power-up that makes the game more fun to play. It allows people who make modifications to the game to add new features and fix old problems. It's like building a bigger tower with your blocks, or adding more pieces to your puzzle.

Using a source port is simple. You take the source code (the instructions that tell the computer how the game should work) and change it using your special tool. The source port then helps your computer understand these changes so you can play the game the way you want it.

Overall, a source port is like a special helper that helps you change and improve your favorite games. It lets you have fun in new ways and experience games in a whole new light.