ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

South Wales Coal Measures Group

The South Wales Coal Measures Group is a group of rocks that are found in the ground in the South Wales area. These rocks were formed a very long time ago, when there were lots of plants and trees growing in the area. When these plants and trees died, they were buried by sediment, which is like dirt and sand. Over time, the pressure from all the sediment caused the plants and trees to turn into coal.

The South Wales Coal Measures Group contains different types of rocks, including sandstone, shale, and coal. These types of rocks can be used for different things. The sandstone can be used to build things like roads and buildings, the shale can be used to make pottery and bricks, and the coal can be used to make electricity.

The South Wales Coal Measures Group was very important in the past because it provided a lot of coal for the country. Coal was used to power factories and trains, and it was also used for heating homes. However, today we use different sources of energy to power things like electricity, so the South Wales Coal Measures Group is not as important as it used to be.