ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Southern Praying Mantis (martial art)

Southern Praying Mantis is a type of martial art that involves using your hands and feet to fight and defend yourself. It's like playing a very serious game of tag where you have to use special moves to dodge and block your opponent's attacks.

The style is based on the movements of the praying mantis insect, which has sharp and powerful appendages that it uses to catch and kill its prey. In Southern Praying Mantis, fighters use similar strategies by striking their opponents quickly and precisely with their own hands and feet.

To learn Southern Praying Mantis, you need lots of practice and patience. You start with simple moves like stretching your arms and legs and then gradually build up to harder moves like punches and kicks. You also learn how to defend yourself by blocking and dodging your opponent's moves.

Overall, Southern Praying Mantis is a very cool and powerful martial art that helps people protect themselves and stay in shape at the same time!