ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Southwestern United States

The southwestern United States is an area of land in the country's very west. It's called "southwestern" because it's in the region that's closer to Mexico and farther away from the east coast.

There are a few different states that make up the southwestern region, including Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and Nevada. Each of these states has its own unique landscapes, but they all share things in common too.

One thing that you might hear about when people talk about the southwestern United States is the weather. It's really hot there, especially in the summer months! Sometimes it can be so hot that it feels like you're standing in an oven. That's because there isn't a lot of rainfall and the sun shines really brightly.

Another thing that's special about the southwest is the geography. There are a lot of deserts in this region, which are places where there's not a lot of water and it's really dry. Some of the deserts in the southwest are very famous, like the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts.

But even though there are a lot of deserts in the southwestern United States, there are also some mountains and forests. In fact, some parts of the region are known for their beautiful national parks.

People live in the southwestern United States too, of course! Different groups of people have lived there for thousands of years, but now you're likely to see lots of people from different backgrounds, whether they're Native American, Hispanic, or have come from other parts of the country.

Some people who live there work on farms, growing things like cotton or fruits and vegetables. Others work in big cities, like Phoenix or Las Vegas. And because the region is so close to Mexico, you'll often see Spanish spoken alongside English.

So, in summary, the southwestern United States is a really interesting place that's home to many different kinds of landscapes and people. It can be very hot and dry, but it's also beautiful and full of life!