ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Soyuz Kontakt

Okay, so imagine you're playing with Legos. You have different pieces that fit together to create something cool. Soyuz Kontakt is like that, but for spaceships instead of Legos.

In space, there are different spaceships used for different things. Soyuz is one of them, and it's used to carry astronauts and supplies to and from the International Space Station (ISS).

But when the Soyuz spacecraft gets close to the ISS, it needs to dock, or attach, itself to the space station. And that's where Soyuz Kontakt comes in.

Soyuz Kontakt is a docking system that helps the Soyuz spacecraft connect to the ISS. It's like a Lego piece that fits perfectly into another Lego piece to make a bigger creation.

The Soyuz spacecraft has a special part called the Kontakt system that attaches to the ISS's Kontakt system. The two systems fit together like puzzle pieces to create a secure connection.

Once the Soyuz spacecraft is securely connected to the ISS, the astronauts can climb out of the Soyuz and float into the station to start working on their space mission.

So in short, Soyuz Kontakt is a docking system that helps the Soyuz spacecraft connect to the International Space Station, like Legos fitting together to make something bigger.