ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Spanish Constitution of 1812

The Spanish Constitution of 1812 was like a big set of rules for how the country of Spain should be run. It was made in the year 1812 by people who wanted to change the way things were being done.

Before this Constitution, Spain was ruled by a King who made all the important decisions. But some people thought it would be better if everyone had a say in what was happening.

So they wrote down some new rules, like saying that the King couldn't just do whatever he wanted, but had to follow the rules too. They also said that people had certain rights, like the right to be treated fairly by the police and the courts, and the right to say what they thought without getting in trouble.

This Constitution was important because it changed the way Spain was governed. It gave people more of a say in what was happening and helped to make sure that everyone was treated fairly. Today, it is still seen as an important moment in Spanish history.