ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Spanish colonial pueblos and villas in North America

Alright kiddo, so a long long time ago, there were some people from Spain who came to North America. These people were called colonizers, and they wanted to build towns and cities here just like they had in Spain.

They found some places where the Native American people already lived, but they didn't want to just kick them out. Instead, they wanted to teach them about their way of life and their religion, which was called Catholicism.

So they built little towns called pueblos where they could live together. The Spanish colonizers lived in big houses and the Native Americans lived in smaller houses nearby. But they all shared things like water and food, and they all went to church together.

The Spanish colonizers also built bigger towns called villas. These were like bigger versions of the pueblos, with more people and bigger houses. They had more things like schools and stores, and they were usually the center of trade in the area.

Both the pueblos and villas were really important to the Spanish colonizers because they helped them spread their religion and their culture. It was also a way for them to take control of the land and make it theirs.

But it's important to remember that these towns were built on land that already belonged to the Native American people. So even though the Spanish colonizers tried to be friendly with them, they still took their land and their way of life away.